Viewing entries tagged
Hill Valley Hotel

Hitting The Streets

Hitting The Streets

Bobby and Hill Valley Hotel staff prepared hundreds of bag lunches to feed handicapped war victims in downtown Freetown. The number of handicapped people in Sierra Leone is staggering. An estimated 25,000 people were victims of amputations and disabling injuries during the decade-long civil war.



On the day I was to return to the U.S., my ferry to the airport experienced mechanical issues. In the time it took to repair the ferry, I missed my flight. I rushed back to catch the same ferry back to Freetown as it was the last of the day. The missed flight must have been an act of divine providence. It meant that I had to stay an extra few days in Salone. 

Two Brothers Build A High School

Two Brothers Build A High School

When we visited Sierra Leone in February of 2011, we met two brothers, Umar and Alpha Jalloh, who own the Hill Valley Hotel in Freetown. The brothers used to live in the United States. Umar was in the U.S. military before returning to Sierra Leone. They have been funding the construction of a high school with revenue from their hotel. The public high schools are really bad in Sierra Leone so they trying to build a school more like the those in the U.S. Progress on the hotel has been slow but steady.